İşyeri hekimleri ile iş güvenliği uzmanlarımızın kullanımına sunduğumuz bir İSG yazılımı.
Cloud (SAAS) Model
Thanks to the SAAS model, Perfektive can be used immediately without leading to any installation and server costs. Cloud technology allows you to start using Perfektive without the need for installation and server cost.
You can easily access Perfektive on the Cloud from anywhere using your favorite browser. New updates and features are quickly integrated. Its modular architectural structure allows you to add new modules and enjoy more features without any difficulty.
Software Development Process
Continuous Delivery is provided with Continuous Integration Systems while Perfective is being developed.
When changes are made to the code, our systems trigger the compilation process and then run the tests. In this way, the version can be released continuously and adapted to agile processes.
Integration of Perfektive and ERP and other systems is done through web services, thus creating standardization in mutually speaking systems. Perfektive also comes with integration solutions with other softwares and devices used in companies.
Apart from integration, data can be easily transferred to Perfektive by using standardized Excel sheets. Guidelines on how to create the Excel sheet are explained step by step so that you can easily and correctly transfer your data.
Some systems that we integrate
SAP, Microsoft Axapta,Link, Oracle ERP, Cainas ERP, Poldy, Humanist
Laboratory and test results; Online Learning Platfroms; e-Prescription and IBYS (OHS Information Management System of Turkish Ministry) integration, Mobile signature integration (Telecom and Turkcell)
Data Security
Perfektive is certified to ISO 27001 – Information Security Management System and complies with the General Data Protection Regulations.
Users can only see the data for which they have been authorized on screens specific to different user roles. Unauthorized users cannot access employee personal data, health records, etc. protected by the General Data Protection Regulations.
Data security is handled in 3 stages:
- Data retention – Sensitive data is kept encrypted
- Data transmission – SSL, Embedded Proxy Server
- Use authority – Based on roles and rights
Update and Maintenance
Perfektive, which can serve a large number of customers on both cloud and on-premise servers at the same time, provides quality standardization and update, troubleshooting and installation management by using various tools.
Updates are instantly visible to all users. There is no need to backup data as this is done automatically.
Changes in legislation affecting businesses, new technologies and good practices are constantly monitored and added to the system as soon as possible.